Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nice Look at Galileo Telescope

Were it not for the Galileo Telescope, astronomers and space scientists all over the world would not have enjoyed all the benefits that they can obtain from the refracting telescope – in terms of astronomical researches and observations. Yes it was eyepiece and optics piece creators Zacharias Janssen and Hans Lippershey who invented the refractor, yet it was the great Italian astronomer and scientist Galileo Galilei who worked further on the instrument, managing to increase its magnification for more power. The renowned scientist, with his knowledge of the principle of refraction, did create his scope into becoming the world’s first working astronomical telescope. Above is a photograph of Galileo Telescope, which became the model for the succeeding professional refracting telescopes. Without a doubt, it was the scientific device that changed wholly the astronomical world.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Awesome Hubble Telescope Contributions

Hubble Space Telescope is undoubtedly the most popular astronomical telescopes that are in existence today, if only because of its great discoveries as well as the amazing Hubble telescope pictures that have awed both the astronomers and the public as well.

The Hubble Telescope has greatly contributed to the advancement of the science of astronomy. It has been a major instrument in making land breaking (or perhaps space breaking?) discoveries, providing answers to many questions, puzzles and problems involving astronomy.

One of the more important contributions of the Hubble Space telescope was its accurate measurement of the distance of Cepheid stars, and because of this, the Hubble Constant’s value was contrained. (Hubble constant is the measurement of rate of the Universe’s expansion.

Another very significant contribution of the Hubble Telescope is that it has become an important factor in estimating the age of our Universe. The extreme importance of the findings of Hubble on this regard proves the great efficiency and reliability of this astronomical telescope as a major (and we can say indispensable) means of uncovering the secrets of the Universe.

We can only appreciate the existence of the Hubble for its unparalleled contributions to space and the astronomical science. And as we enjoy the Hubble Telescope pictures, we might likewise want to thank it for allowing us to see the Universe, even if just in pictures, for all its magnificence and greatness.
(Photo: Eagle Nebula, source: NASA)