Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Building a Telescope

When you have decided that you want to start a stargazing hobby, the first thing that comes to mind is – where to I get my telescope. But with a limited budget to buy a beginner telescope, how can you acquire that one important gadget? Checking out the magnificence of the heavens cannot be without a scope in hand.

You have two options. Either you a buy a telescope. Or take the adventure of building telescope.

Then you finally thought: indeed, why not build your own telescope! A simple amateur telescope for yourself. A simple one would be that with no frills and unnecessary accessories. Just a basic but amateur telescope that is working fine. Definitely that would be more okay and agreeable to your limited budget.

How do you go about building telescope? Almost anyone can! You can build your own even if you are a total first timer in this hobby of stargazing. And with no prior experience in assembling.

Yes, you can build your own telescope even without seeing or using one in your whole life!

You can build an 8 or 10-inch Newtonian or a 4-inch Dobsonian scope. Whatever it is you want, it’s just easy to build your first beginner telescope.

Here is one resource that is very helpful to get you started in your quest to build your own telescope. Just remember to follow instructions properly and use the appropriate materials and telescope components. Consult and buy telescope components to the reliable dealers and retailers in your area.

Now with your beginner telescope, you can see heavenly objects more than when with just your naked eyes. You can now observe objects that are farther and fainter. Mars or Jupiter. Or even Jupiter’s moon. Pluto. Maybe another galaxy. Or a quasar perhaps.

So, with the resourses on hand, building telescope is quite easy. I know you can hardly wait to gaze up the heavens with your very own amateur telescope. Good luck with your scope-building!

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