Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Newtonian Telescope - Sir Isaac's Scope Invention

To date, there are already many types of refracting telescope developed and utilized for astronomical and stargazing purposes. A few of these scopes are named after their inventors. One refractor that has a name of a famous astronomer and scientist assigned to it is the Galileo Telescope, named after the genius Galileo Galilei.

This refracting telescope of Galileo is one of the earliest astronomical telescopes and is considered the model of the modern refractors today. Most of the modern, powerful refractors are patterned after the Galileo Telescope.

The reflecting telescope, likewise has many types, and one of the more known is the Newtonian Telescope. An invention of British astronomer and scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1643 to 1727), this scope has a parabolic main mirror and a flat second mirror.

Isaac Newton was very much knowledgeable with the stargazing and research needs of astronomers; this is why he worked on developing this scope. The Newtonian Telescope, when compared to others, is less expensive yet as powerful as the other quality telescopes.

It also provides a short focal ratio, which means a wider and better field of view can be achieved. With the Newtonian telescopes that possess longer focal length, high quality planet views can be achieved.

1 comment:

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