Saturday, January 20, 2007

Newtonian and Cassegrain Types of Telescopes

If you are to think of a telescope, the one like the refracting telescope usually pops up first in your mind. Why so? Almost always anyone would think of the telescope is one with a long tube and lenses on both sides. That is how a refractor looks like. The refracting telescope is one of the simplest when it comes to design and form.

Still, it is not only the refracting telescope that is the most common of the scopes. There is also the reflecting telescope. There are two general types of reflecting telescopes: these are the Newtonian and the Cassegrain types.

The first type which is the Newtonian, has a simple design and it is popular to the stargazing amateurs who want to build their own telescopes. This telescope was created by scientist Isaac Newton and it was the first successful reflecting telescope.

The second type of reflecting telescope which is the Cassegrain telescope utilizes two mirrors to form the image. One mirror is found at the bottom of a tube, and the smaller mirror is on top of the tube facing it. The light passes through the top of the tube and focused by the bigger mirror, and then reflected by the smaller mirror. The Cassegrain telescope looks like a refracting telescope, although the two function differently.

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