Saturday, May 19, 2007

Where in the World is the Galileo Telescope?

Where is the Galileo Telescope? This scope which is a type of refracting telescope and the first true astronomically working telescope is one of the most popular astronomy equipments of all times.

Albeit the Galileo Telescope is actually not the first refracting telescope invented (we have to credit Hans Lippershey for his efforts), it is the fist really professional telescope that was used for star gazing and astronomical research.

So does it matter if it is not the original refractor? First is not always the best there is, I must say. And for this scope of Galileo Galilei, we have so much to thank because it served as the fitting model for all the succeeding astronomical telescopes.

What I would also like to know is if the original telescope of Galileo is still in existence. Where is it, in some Italian museum or observatory perhaps? What I know is that there is a replica of the Galileo Telescope kept at the London Museum. And I am sure that many other replicas of this great astronomical piece of instrument all over the world.

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